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All that remains.
四神をテーマにしたVRアートワールド。幻想的で躍動感あふれる空間を巡り、神秘の力を体感しよう! Explore a dynamic VR art world inspired by the Four Symbols, where mysticism and energy come to life.
An art exhibition where you have to find a code to get to the next room. Made for MMC25.
A particle showcase.
Particles spread about in a pentile ratio.
MMC 25 art: I make clay craft for art.
The 3D images in this world were taken with the Resonite "Finger Camera" during MMC25 to demonstrate that Resonite is fertile ground for 3D photography. There is no overall theme. It's all about the art.
Art exhibition with pieces from the Cleveland Museum of Art's Open Access collection
MMC25 art TiltBrush 3Dillustration 妖怪は近くであなたを見ている MMC [Mogi Kim,neko3,Thanks!]
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