
World List

  1. XMPP Chat Client Demo

    By arcanicanis

    XMPP chat client in pure Protoflux, via WebSockets.

  2. XMPP Chat Client Demo

    By arcanicanis

    XMPP chat client in pure Protoflux, via WebSockets.

  3. Japanese food museum

    By toritori

    This is a world that explains Japanese cuisine using photogrammetry. 日本の料理をフォトグラメトリを使用して解説するワールドです。

  4. Swangin' Doors

    By Baxter

    Swangin' Doors: And Other Cool Uses for the Field Hook Node

  5. Marching Cubes Interactive

    By AxiomWolf

    A presentation and interactive demonstration of the marching cubes algorithm. This world includes a tool that allows the creation of custom meshes using this technique.

  6. Binary Display

    By υμβραν

    数値のバイナリ表示が出来るカスタムノードを作りました. これを使って型の中身を見てみよう! I have created a custom node that can display a binary representation of a number. Use this to see the contents of the type!

  7. [MMC25] The Enigma Machine

    By "The Gaff"

    MMC 2025 ***Possible flickering lights*** Welcome to The Enigma Machine, an interactive experience about the basics of encryption and a piece of history that inspired modern day encryption.

  8. [ESD]Konbini Onigiri / コンビニおにぎり

    By MotoMaid Union

    Become an Onigiri Unwrapping Master! Onigiri sold in Japanese convenience stores(Konbini) are wrapped in a special way to maintain freshness, making them tricky to open! Learn the art of unwrapping onigiri interactively and get ready for your trip to Japan! おにぎり開封マスターへの道! 日本のコンビニで買えるおにぎりは鮮度を保つために特殊な包装方法で、開け方が難しい! このワールドのインタラクティブな学習システムを使ってコンビニのおにぎりの開け方を学び、日本への旅行に備えよう!

  9. Finite's Classroom

    By Finite

    Finite's Class hosted on a pi 5

  10. 【MMC25】わくわく!! 地理パズルExciting!! Geography Puzzle

    By wanduoying

    『わくわく!! 地理パズル』は、日本の都道府県や世界の国・地域をパズルのピースにした地理学習ゲームです。ピースを正しい位置にはめることで、楽しく遊びながら地理の知識を深めることができます。シンプルな操作で学習用にも最適! 設定次第で難易度を変えられるほか、タイムアタック機能も搭載し、挑戦しがいのある内容になっています。遊びながら地理に詳しくなれる『わくわく!! 地理パズル』で、あなたも地理マスターを目指してみませんか? "Exciting!! Geography Puzzle" is a geography learning game where Japan’s prefectures and the world's countries and regions become puzzle pieces. By placing the pieces in the correct locations, players can have fun while improving their geography knowledge. With simple controls, it's enjoyable for both kids and adults, making it perfect for learning. The game features different difficulty modes and a time attack challenge for added excitement. Have fun while mastering maps with "Exciting!! Geography Puzzle" and become a geography expert!

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