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Beyond the Dark City is an immersive VR realm designed to tell its story through the environment alone. The events and interactions are heavily inspired by the Alan Wake series. Visitors have the ability to open rifts and tearing through the fabric of the city to reveal surreal, abstract places beond the street that symbolize the multifaceted nature of urban life.
A single-player, immersive narrative experience made for MMC 2025
Welcome to a high-intensity shooting ride attraction where you will engage in battle against the AI-controlled robot army, "Chronos." As a pilot of the private military company "Varias," you will take control of the advanced robotic weapon "Metalix" and embark on a critical mission to halt Chronos's invasion. このワールドは、AIロボット軍団 「クロノス」との 戦闘を繰り広げるシューティング ライドアトラクションです。 あなたは、民間軍事会社「ヴァリアス」のパイロットとして ロボット兵器「メタリクス」 に搭乗し クロノスの侵攻を阻止する任務に挑みます 。
Volunteer at ITH to test revolutionary new technology, and discover government secrets... Spectral Dissonance is a Full-Length Puzzle Game and Narrative Experience. Average playtime between 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on past experience with puzzle games. This is a sequel to TRANSMISSION.
It's based on old Korean traditional stories. Please enjoy it! Language: Korean, English, Japanese by Team AZ Story
MMC25 Narrative World by Miss Molly.
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