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Last Updated: March 1st, 2024 A Modular Drop-In System for Building Flying Vehicles and other non-grounded physics objects. Originally built as part of MMC 2025.
A Test Rpg system built in under 2 days (~20hrs)
Detroit Metal Torazo
HEXは、2人で遊ぶ戦略ボードゲームです。交互に石を置き、ボードの反対側をつなげたら勝ち! HEX is a two-player strategy game. Take turns placing stones and connect your sides to win!
壊せ!破壊を楽しもう! Break it! Enjoy the destruction!
(incomplete) alpha build of a game for chat to play
Jigsaw puzzle game mechanic development
Welcome to the Idiophone Auditorium! This world contains 3 vibraphones for you to play around with. It also functions as an auditorium with 92 seats.
Test Your Focus! Challenge Your Patience! SHOCK STICK is the ultimate portable maze entertainment item for VR users! The rules couldn’t be simpler: Grab the stick and navigate through the maze to reach the other side! Hit a wall, and you lose! Since it's fully portable, you can play anywhere. Get the public link in this world! Haptic feedback system compatible! 自分の集中力と忍耐力に自信はある? SHOCK STICKで試そう! VR専用のポータブルなイライラ棒システムです! ルールはシンプル:棒を握って、迷路を抜けて反対側のゴールへ持っていくだけ!壁に当たったら負け! ポータブルなのでどこでもプレイが可能です!触覚フィードバックシステムに対応しています!
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