
World List

  1. RaceForge [MMC25]

    By VCA

    Use a wild assortment of obstacles to build your way to victory in a mad race to the finish! If everybody makes it, too easy, no points! Bonus points for being first. Be sure to lock in your obstacle after placing it!

  2. Kogiroki by Saayo

    By Arito

    Construct a new language to save yourselves.

  3. [MMC25] Cake or AI?

    By Rucio's Crew

    Cake or AI? is the ultimate test in human perception! Can you spot the difference between real and AI generated photos? (1-12 players). Made by Team Constant Slerps!

  4. MMC25🚶The Apologue

    By Serenity

    An adventure of underwhelming proportions. And a whole lot of walking. <sub><B>Team Leader:</b> Faeith / <B>Team Head:</b> Lixquid <B>Members:</B> Skeleton Gutz, Rit, Majus, Gyztor Mizirath, Sveken</sub>

  5. Quantum Arena MMC25

    By ぞかす団

    <color=hero.yellow>BUILD YOUR OWN DECK!</color> For <>2-6</color> Players Quantum Arena: THE MOST EXCITING ABILITY SHOOTING BATTLE GAME!!! Now available: 10 Unique <color=orange>Abilities</color> 8 Exciting <color=cyan>Levels</color>

  6. Hop to the Top

    By Player Kode

    "Hop to the top" is the name of the game, can you reach the end of this multi-floored challenge?

  7. Battle Mech

    By MIYA38

    Welcome, this is the test run for the Firing Test Mech Type 1 (FTM-01). You will be testing a mech that is currently under development. After the test, the recorded information will be evaluated. There will be two types of tests: a capture the flag test and a freewheel test. Spectators and instructors may request to ride in the back seat. If there is no problem on the pilot's side, you will allow it at the control panel. That's all for now. Please feel free to participate as if it were a amusement. ようこそ、ここは射撃用試験機体壱式(FTM-01)の試験走行場だ 君たちには開発中の機体の試験をしてもらいたい 試験後には記録された情報が評価される 試験形式は旗取り競技と自由散策の2種類 尚、観戦者及び教官が後部座席に同乗を申し込む場合がある 操縦者側に問題がなければ操作盤より許可をしてほしい 説明は以上だ、娯楽感覚で気軽に参加してもらいたい

  8. MMC25 Wagon Express

    By Juanvi

    Reach as many stations as you can to deliver your food, however, will you be able to deliver it on time, or will your food be eaten by pesky ghosts? Good Luck!

  9. Drum - MMC25

    By Spartanfox

    A spooky interactive story of how a village was laid waste by the hands of an evil cult. Your tool is a drum you find next to the lake which allows you to play out a localised moment in time with the entities, however you are not the original owner of this tool and theyre after you aswell. Designed to be a single player experience. The game will treat the host as the player though others can still trigger certian events Everything in this game was created by me apart from the drum sound effect which I purchased with the licence

  10. Zombie Rush

    By GearBell

    MMC 25 game world. Shoot zombies in this fast paced darkmap. Use your own weapons or discover the wacky ones the zombies drop.

  11. Squished! MMC

    By ABoxOfDragons

    A game world for MMC 2025 A silly multiplayer arena shooter. Bring friends!

  12. [MMC25] Quarto 3D

    By Nicole+

    <color=#FFE39CFF>Connect four matching pieces to win.</color> a 3D version of the beloved board game Quarto. A game world by Nicole+, Gareth48, badhaloninja, and EuphieEuphoria.

  13. Lagrange Point

    By HardLight

    Collect, Mine, Produce, Automate. Join HardLight for an exciting space adventure and conquer new frontiers!

  14. HANABI StarMiner [MMC25]

    By hamadori

    このワールドでは、花火をテーマにした落ちモノパズルゲームを遊ぶことができます。 同じ色の花火玉を繋げ、発火玉で連鎖させて、大連鎖とハイスコアを狙おう! This world features a fireworks-themed falling puzzle game where you can test your skills! Connect Firework Orbs, ignite them with Ignition Orbs, and aim for big chains and high scores!

  15. [ BumpUp Racer ]

    By Xau

    Speed your way through road obstacles!

  16. [MMC2025] SlipOut

    By SvekOps

    A copyright friendly version of the TV show WipeOut

  17. Gravitycraft

    By marumasa

    A world where you can ride vehicles like hovercrafts that ignore gravity.

  18. MMC25MazeRunnin

    By Lucaedr

    Making a maze that you can run through in first person or top down for mmc 25!

  19. ElementX LaserTag

    By Crystalline Shard

    A 90's style lasertag arena built into a disused warehouse. Min players of 2. Created for MMC25 by Crystalline Shard.


    By ginjake

    This game is a first-person shooter where two teams compete against each other. The objective is to occupy Territory Cores and reduce the opposing team's durability to zero to claim victory. Defend your team's Territory Cores while dodging interference, and occupy the enemy's Territory Cores to gain the upper hand.

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