
World List

  1. [MMC25] World Tour Session.JP

    By すむてみ

    (No Description)

  2. Horned Lizard Gaussian Splat

    By Frooxius

    This is a sample file from:

  3. お江戸パーク -Oedo Park -

    By tanossy

    Old Japanese City of Edo era. ver 0.2

  4. Virtual Insanity

    By JIN_X

    Recreating the space featured in Jamiroquai's Virtual Insanity

  5. Creator Jam 302 - Make It More

    By Creator Jam

    Welcome to Creator Jam 302 -- 3-9-25. Feel free to remix. This event is hosted weekly.

  6. Japanese Apartment - Ivan's Version

    By The-Rookie251

    Original "Tokyo Apartment" port by MonoTone, modified by IvanTheWolf and friends - A Japanese themed apartment to relax in

  7. Max's house v2

    By Maxwellcrafter

    Work in progress

  8. Neos Home World

    By Txmbomber

    Old Neos Relic.

  9. Creator Jam 301 - Build Hop

    By Creator Jam

    Welcome to Creator Jam 301 -- 3-2-25. Feel free to remix. This event is hosted weekly.

  10. Nuki's Physics and Flying Machines

    By Nuki

    Last Updated: March 1st, 2024 A Modular Drop-In System for Building Flying Vehicles and other non-grounded physics objects. Originally built as part of MMC 2025.

  11. Raised Garden

    By brecert

    The Aurora virtual garden. In passive progress.

  12. tiny workspace

    By martysh

    working in a tiny workspace keeps your code tiny

  13. XMPP Chat Client Demo

    By arcanicanis

    XMPP chat client in pure Protoflux, via WebSockets.

  14. RPG System Test

    By Txmbomber

    A Test Rpg system built in under 2 days (~20hrs)

  15. 989onan's Labratory

    By 989onan

    Expandable rooms with multiple world layers for building things in. Supposed to represent minecraft bases in the days of FTB infinity and Horizons where you teleport between rooms and use tiled Labratory blocks from Chisel.

  16. RaceForge [MMC25]

    By VCA

    Use a wild assortment of obstacles to build your way to victory in a mad race to the finish! If everybody makes it, too easy, no points! Bonus points for being first. Be sure to lock in your obstacle after placing it!

  17. [MMC25] Float to hex string

    By uyjulian

    This tool turns floats to hex string. Allows comparison of floats visually

  18. Kogiroki by Saayo

    By Arito

    Construct a new language to save yourselves.

  19. XMPP Chat Client Demo

    By arcanicanis

    XMPP chat client in pure Protoflux, via WebSockets.

  20. Studio Light World Mk 1

    By World Theory

    A place with lighting options. Useful for purposes including but not limited to: previewing objects in different lighting environments, studying lights, picking apart my modest world, and taking pictures in controlled lighting. CC0


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